.םהישרוש לע םיטרפ אוצמל םיניינועמ ץראב ונתיאמ םיבר |
.םלועב טנרטניאה תשרב םינוש םירתאב |
ירפסמו תובותכ לבקתו ךתחפשמ םש תא םושר
Fill your surname and you will find information about people in USA with the same surname. |
E MAIL תובותכ לבקתו ךיטרפ תא םושר
Fill your surname
and you will find E mails addresses of people in the world with the same surname as yours. |
הרייע\ריעה יטרפו ךתחפשמ םש תא םושר
The JewishGen Family Finder (JGFF) is a database of surnames and towns currently being researched by
Jewish genealogists worldwide. It contains ancestral surnames and town names, and is indexed and cross-referenced by both surname and town name. |
.דחא םוקמב שופיח יעונמ הברה
Several search engines in one page. |
!ןילופב םרוקמש הלאל קר
The Jewish Records Indexing - Poland (JRI-Poland) has created a revolutionary computer database
containing indexes of the 19th century Jewish Vital Records of Poland - accessible through the Internet,
from the comfort of your home. |
טנרטניאב םידוהי ירתאל םירשק |
Try to find information about your surname in the
Roots Surname List. |
לש תיקנע המישרל ךילע םיטרפו ךתחפשמ םש ףסוה
Add your surname to the Roots Surname List. |
Find the names of the families that are already in OUR ROOTS. |