Date: 17 Jan 1999

My name is Miriam Ferber and I'm looking for information about the Ferber family from Dembitz (debica or Dabie).
The family has immigrated to Germany around WW1. Any information will gratefully be accepted.



My husband found your web site after looking up information about Dembitz.
My father, died of a sudden heart attach, in 1995 was born in Dembitz in 1921. He was the only survivor of his family.
While going through his things, I came across the Book of Dembitz in Hebrew. Since I don't read Hebrew , iIt wasn't until I saw the translation via the internet, that I knew what it was .
My father did not like to talk about his family or growing up or the war. It was kind of taboo.
My father's name was Harry, or I guess they called him Henrich or Hersh Shuldenfrei, his father was Joel, mother Esther (Farber I'm not sure of spelling), brother Bernard or Efraim?, sisters Mina and Gertrude or Gusta. I see another name on your list that has a different spelling, but is close to Shuldenfrei, i.e. Shultenfrei?
Do you know if this is really the same name? I also see a Ferber, and was wandering if this was also the same as my grandmother's maiden name?

Thanks so much for your wonderful web site,

Robin Ellen Sheldon Farley